Municipal citizen security policy presented in Cartago, Costa Rica

The canton of Cartago in Costa Rica now has a comprehensive citizen security plan. The Comprehensive and Sustainable Canton Plan for Citizen Security and Promotion of Social Peace in Cartago 2022 - 2032 was presented at a ceremony presided over by the canton mayor Mario Redondo Povedano, along with UNDP Costa Rica Resident Representative José Vicente Troya. The Canton Plan was prepared by the Cartago Mayor's Office with technical support by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the InfoSegura Regional Project. It is an evidence-based municipal policy that leverages best practices from the country and region that have been adapted to the challenges, experiences and capacities of the canton.

The Comprehensive and Sustainable Canton Plan for Citizen Security and Promotion of Social Peace of Cartago was developed in a broad participatory manner through integrated discussions with an intersectional gender perspective, so that the voices and views of different groups, segments and communities in the territory of Cartago were collected. The Canton Plan is an exercise in localizing solutions, acknowledging the context, mapping actors and fostering intersectoral coordination. It is an effort to respond to individuals and communities in a meaningful way, especially young people and women, who are most affected by the risk of being victims of violence.

The technical proposal was presented by Giovanna Siles Pérez, Head of the Community Safety and Municipal Police Area, and Randall Brenes Suárez, UNDP Governance and Human Development Officer. The venue for the activity was the Municipal Council Meeting Room. In attendance were city councillors and trustees, other municipal authorities, the Judicial Investigation Department interim Director Michael Soto, official representatives of the Ministry of Justice and Peace and the Ministry of Citizen Security, and other authorities.

Click here to read the Comprehensive and Sustainable Canton Plan for Citizen Security and Promotion of Social Peace in Cartago