What do we do?

The UNDP InfoSegura Project bases its work on the premise that having high-quality, timely, reliable and relevant information on citizen security puts national and local governments and institutions in a better position to design and implement effective and efficient public policies to reduce violence and insecurity.

The project focuses work with national institutions on developing and strengthening the cycle of the information management chain based on four interrelated elements:

Data production: Producing and sharing relevant, timely and comparable information on the different dimensions of citizen security, its magnitude and impact. Enlace a Dashboard

Analysis: Systematize evidence to inform strategic decision-making in public policy, utilizing different tools: Indexes, reports and georeferencing, and others.

Use and Leveraging: In addition to using available data for reporting on the state of citizen security, it also informs the design, formulation, creation and monitoring of effective public policies.

Dissemination: IReport on progress in the implementation of public policies, as well as their impact, and to share practices, knowledge and experiences.

In addition, the Project accompanies countries as they implement and monitor the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with particular emphasis on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, which seeks to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies and SDG 5, whose targets include the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking, sexual exploitation and other types of exploitation.