Let's end violence against women and girls NOW!

Let's end violence against women and girls NOW!

Commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25, and as part of the 16 days of activism, the InfoSegura Regional Project join the reflection about the real circumstances experienced by women and girls in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Regional data reveals the great challenges that remain in the matter of citizen security. Specifically, the homicide rate of women per 100,000 population in the North of Central America has been on a downward trend since 2015. This pace eased up in the first part of 2021, when 531 victims of feminicide were reported Central America and the Dominican Republic (See Figure 1). This notwithstanding, gender-based violence is still a challenge, in 2018, 15 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean exhibited high rates of feminicide[1].

Datos Publicación

Source: InfoSegura Analysis of Citizen Security in Central America and the Dominican Republic in the first half of 2021 (click on the image to go to the full publication).

In addition to the risk of a violent death, women in the region face greater risk of sexual violence and other types of violence in private as well as public spaces, such as on transportation and in the workplace. In 2020, in the subregion comprising Central America and the Dominican Republic, 9 in 10 victims of sexual crimes were women and girls.[2]. In the Dominican Republic, in 2020, 7 in 10 feminicides were committed in the victim's place of residence.[3]