International conference in Costa Rica addresses crime and violence prevention models

International and local specialists met on 8 and 9 September in San José, Costa Rica to learn and exchange experiences about emerging police models in the countries of Central America.

The International Police Prevention Symposium: Contributions to Human Security organized by the Distance State University of Costa Rica, the Ministry of Public Security, the Foundation for Peace and Democracy, the Inter-American Development Bank and UNDP through the InfoSegura Regional Project in partnership with USAID.

Several topics that are crucial for the region were addressed at the symposium, such as the role of community policing in the context of Human Security, evidence-based policing, police intel or the role of law enforcement in problem solving.

Participants at the event included ranking police officers and agents, officials from the Ministry of Citi and scholars from several Latin American countries. Marcela Smutt, InfoSegura Regional Project Coordinator and Alejandra Monteoliva, Education and Innovation Specialist spoke about the important contributions that evidence-based citizen security policies make to the construction of societies that are more peaceful, just and cohesive in Central America and the Dominican Republic.