InfoSegura supports Honduran Secretariat for Security with a Conflict Monitoring, Analysis and Early-Warning System

A three-day capacity-transfer workshop took place with the UNDP Bolivia Institutional Administration Programme, implementing the Conflict Monitoring, Analysis and Early-Warning System (SIMAT Spanish acronym) at the Secretariat for Security in Honduras, in order to reinforce institutional capacity to address and respond to conflict, demands and agreements (CDA).

Opening remarks at the event by Vice Minister of the Subsecretariat for Security of Honduras Ms. Yulissa Villanueva, along with Commissioner General Juan Lopez Rochez, addressed the 40-member technical team that had been convened for the three-day workshop.

InfoSegura supported the training that consisted of exercises and actual use of the tool applied to real-life cases, with 28 male and 12 female participants (total of 40) from the Secretariat for Security of Honduras, who have been empowered in the use of the system, and will now have effective analytical outputs for use in decision-making during conflict situations.

sistema alerta