

Homicide rate per 100,000 population, the lowest in a decade
Of homicides were committed with a firearm
increase in the number of violent deaths of women

Key data (2023)

  • The number of homicides under investigation decreased by 31.2% in comparison with 2022.
  • There was a 25.8% reduction in gang-related homicides.
  • Homicides of men decreased by 21% but homicides of women increased by 24.2% compared to 2022.
  • The percentage of homicides of women that took place in private spaces (21%) is higher than that of men (9%).
  • 38% of homicide victims are between 18 and 30 years of age.
  • The use of firearms in homicides reached 75.6% and 66.1% in men and women respectively.
  • In 151 municipalities, the number of homicides decreased. 29 municipalities maintained the same number of homicides. There were also 14 municipalities that registered zero homicides in both 2022 and in 2023.

Key data (2022)

  • 88 out of every 100 victims of sexual offences on record are women.
  • There were 940 people reported missing. 3 out of every 10 are women.
  • Reports filed by women are primarily regarding sexual crime, domestic violence e intrafamily violence. At younger ages, more sexual crimes are reported; as the age increases, the number of domestic and intra-family violence complaints is higher.

Source: Preliminary data provided by Working Group on Violent Deaths: National Police, Public Ministry/Directorate of Forensic Medicine. National Registry of Persons. Citizen Coexistence and Security Observatories. National Statistics Institute. ONV-IUDPAS/UNAH. Technical Inter-Institutional Coordination Unit (UTECI) Secretariat for Security.


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