UNDP InfoSegura in partnership with USAID, launches new, more innovative, more complete and more modern website

Offering such innovative features as the Sara chatbot, data query Dashboard and a training platform.

More modern, intuitive, easier to navigate and more content. This is the new website just launched by the InfoSegura Regional Project, an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Latin America and the Caribbean in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The website offers updated and historical data on citizen security, human mobility and violence against women and girls and aspires to become the region’s main source for evidence and analysis on matters of citizen security.

For almost a decade, InfoSegura has set a benchmark in Central America, providing a model to follow with its high quality data processing and multidimensional analysis. With the launch of the new website, the UNDP and USAID take another step towards innovation, with clear and intuitive data presentation and analysis, positioning itself as an indispensable source for knowledge and inspiration for institutions y citizens in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.

The website is also designed to be more accessible, agile and adapted to use on mobile devices for a better user experience.

The new portal provides access to such innovative tools as the recently launched Sara chatbot with AI–enhanced support for individuals at risk of gender-based violence. Also soom will be available an interactive Dashboard for querying regional data that can be disaggregated by country, age brackets, types of crime and other relevant criteria; so is the InnovAction platform with over 100 innovative solutions, involving citizen security and justice.

Another pillar of the new website is the TrainAction platform dedicated to instructional resources and training courses in matters of citizen security and justice. Users can access instructional materials, practice handbooks and interactive tools to promote learning and build capacities required for implementing effective crime prevention strategies. This initiative aims to promote knowledge and skills among key stakeholders, in order to have a long lasting impact on safe and resilient spaces in the region.

To encourage participation and knowledge sharing, the InfoSegura website gives you access to all episodes of the six seasons of DatAction the community of practice and experience sharing and knowledge management where experts on citizen security, government institutions and civil society organizations share their experiences, best practices and reflections on the challenges and developments throughout the region. This platform provides a unique opportunity for users to become informed, inspired and puts them in touch with the voices of influential individuals working to improve the quality of life in communities.

For nine years, InfoSegura has worked with other national, local government institutions, civil society organizations in Central America and the Dominican Republic to promote more just, peaceful and cohesive societies. The project aims for better quality data to inform decision–making processes, promote multidimensional analysis and ensure effective gender mainstreaming in the information management cycle.