New and innovative INE website makes updated information available to citizens

INE website
INE Public Relations

*  With the support of USAID and the UNDP, access to available statistical information has been enhanced with an improved navigation experience and digital interaction.
* This helps build up a modern and innovative government.

Tegucigalpa, 13 July. – The National Statistics Institute (INE) launched its new website on this date, providing updated information on a range of issues in the country, from economic indicators to demographic and social data. This provides decision-makers and others a resource to explore and get a better understanding of the situation in Honduras with clear and concise data visualizations of statistical evidence.


This is an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the InfoSegura Regional Project, to help the INE Business Management team with knowledge management and strategic planning by providing national and international users, as well as the general public, access to data, contributing to reinforcing open, digital and modern government.

The "gender and citizen security module" was also presented, with its information on women and men ages 15 to 49 in matters of theft and aggression, their sense of security, domestic violence against women, and sexual abuse. This information has all been systematized in a single repository and is available at the website.

This is one way INE is fulfilling its mission of collecting, analyzing and releasing data on the population of Honduras. INE executive director Eugenio Sosa explained that, “this portal helps the INE make reliable data on a number of subjects accessible. The gender and citizen security module is an effort to delve deeper into data to understand issues that are a priority in the country that we hope will foster public discussion and decision making.”


Innovative and agile data access

The new INE website and the gender and citizen security module offers users and decision-makers a greater body of statistics, shortens query response times and improves access to public and transparent information with an accessible and intuitive public data portal.

“Digital transformation is a powerful tool in public institutions when applied to strengthen services, access to citizens' rights and transparency of vital information. The UNDP has supported the INE efforts to strengthen capacities and offerings in terms of the production of- and access to information with technological tools, timely and reliable data,” stated Richard Barathe, UNDP Resident Representative in Honduras.