Course Starts Youth on the Road to Peace and Security
Recently launched a new training course ion the InfoSegura TrainAction academy, named Youth on the Road to Peace and Security. The course is on the important role youth play in complex contexts where it is indispensable to address peacebuilding and citizen security.
Relying on a comparative experience approach, the course raises participant awareness and encourages commitment in individuals and institutions, with approaches and methodologies that engage youth in activities and strategies for conflict prevention and resolution, and to consolidate peace and security.
In all, there were 819 enrolled at the start of the course, 525 under the age of 30. Participants are from official youth agencies, civil society organizations and academia.
The first webinar–or synchronous session–in the course emphasizes the relevance of generating data on youth and the scope of young people's meaningful participation in security policy processes with a focus on youth as actors in positive transformation. There were 80 people in attendance, most of them young people who are members of organizations and institutions from all the countries in the region.
The course comprises two modules. The first focuses on the importance of young people on the road to peace and security and addresses basic concepts like youth, peace, security, conflict and violence. The second module will concentrate on analysing the role of young people in promoting peace and security, based on real case studies, and providing participants with concrete tools to put in practice the skills they acquire.