

Homicide rate per 100,000 population
People died in a violent manner every day
women and girls per 100,000 women were victims of rape/aggravated rape

Key Data


  • 2,944 people became victims of homicide: 60 fewer victims than there were in the same period in 2022.
  • There was a 2.0 per cent decline in homicide compared to 2022.
  • 87.5 per cent of homicide victims were male.
  • Homicides of women declined 15.6 per cent compared to 2022.
  • Eight in ten homicides involved use of firearms.
  • Out of every ten homicides between January and September 2022, six took place in very urban municipalities.
  • In 2023, homicide figures rose in 118 municipalities (34.7% of the national total), compared to 2022.  There is a concentration of homicides in the central region of the country, and in some border municipalities near Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico.


  • In 2022, crime incidence rate rose 6.7 per cent in relation to 2021.
  • At least four women were reported missing every day in 2022.
  • 77 women and girls per 100,000 women were victims of rape/aggravated rape.
  • Three women and girls per 100,000 women were victims of human trafficking.
  • 139.6 victims of extortion, robbery and theft per 100,000 people during 2022.
  • Crimes against property were 11.1 per cent higher than in 2021, and greater than pre-pandemic levels, primarily extortion and theft.
  • Individuals reported more instances of extortion, that was 40 reports per day on average in 2022.


Source: National Statistics Institute, National Civil Police–Statistics Section, Public Ministry Integrated Case Management System (SICOMP)


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