
22 November, 2022

Analysis of homicidal violence in Belize, January to June 2022

This document presents a brief analysis on homicidal violence with the main findings from January to June 2022. It takes as a source data with official Belize Police Department…

6 October, 2022

Regional Homicidal Violence, January to March 2022

This document presents a brief analysis on homicidal violence with the main findings in january-june 2022 in Central American and Dominican Republic.

Source: Prepared…

2 September, 2022

Homicidal violence in Honduras, mid year report 2022

This document presents a brief analysis on homicidal violence with the main findings in january-june 2022. It takes as a source information obtained from preliminary data…

1 September, 2022

Homicidal Violence Guatemala, January June 2022

This document presents a brief analysis on homicidal violence with the main findings from January to June 2022. It takes as a source 2010-2021 INE with data provided by…

23 August, 2022

Costa Rica: Analysis of State of Citizen Security 2021

The following infographic is an analysis of the situation of violence and insecurity in Costa Rica during the year 2021. This analysis on crimes against life, crimes against…

23 August, 2022

Honduras: multidimensional characterization of citizen security 2021

The following characterization is an analysis of the situation of violence and insecurity in Honduras during the year 2021. This analysis of homicides, deaths due to traffic…

8 August, 2022

Analysis of homicidal violence in Belize, January to March 2022

This document presents a brief analysis on homicidal violence with the main findings from January to March 2022. It takes as a source data with official Belize Police…

14 July, 2022

Homicidal Violence El Salvador, January to March 2022

Este documento presenta un breve análisis en materia de violencia homicida con los principales hallazgos de enero a marzo de 2022. Toma como fuente datos de la Mesa Técnica de…

14 July, 2022

Homicidal Violence Guatemala, January to March 2022

This document presents a brief analysis on homicidal violence with the main findings from January to March 2022. It takes as a source preliminary data from INE (2010-2020) with…